Sensoria Foundation was established to support the development of a well-educated, wise and healthy society. Sensoria Foundation carries out projects in the fields of historical education and health education with particular emphasis on prevention, according to the slogan that "The best time to act is NOW".

Our projects are focused on two areas - health and education:

• development of Snoezelen method in Poland – the Foundation is engaged in the education and supporting the professionalism of the therapeutic circles that are gathered around Snoezelen method and work in Snoezelen Rooms (Polish name: Sala Do?wiadczania ?wiata, which means: World Experience Room);

• therapeutic activity – we are trying to equalize the chance of access to specialistic therapies , tailored individually to the needs of the recipient;

• historical education;

• oncological prophylaxis;

• health prophylaxis for the youngest;

• support for children as in-patients.



Polish Snoezelen Association - World Experience Room (Polskie Towarzystwo Snoezelen – Sali Do?wiadczania ?wiata, PTS-SD?) is an advisory and consultancy unit for Snoezelen method in Poland within Sensoria Foundation's organizational structure. The goals of the Association are integrating professionals interested in Snoezelen method as well as supporting the development and popularity of Snoezelen in Poland.

The Society is headed by the Scientific Council together with its Chairman. The members of the Association are private persons (therapists, instructors) as well as educational institutions interested in Snoezelen.

The main tasks of PTS are to create a platform for exchanging the experience among persons who work in Snoezelen Rooms, also to advise and assist them as regards the method itself. In addition, the organization aims to promote Snoezelen in Poland and abroad, to establish cooperation with therapeutic centres throughout the country and to supervise scientific research on the World Experience Rooms.

The members of the Association are engaged in objective and reliable evaluation and specification of the commercially available equipment used in Snoezelen Rooms. In addition, they are verifying the already existing World Experience Rooms in terms of their correctness and adequacy to the needs of the users. The Society also conducts training for therapists, thus conveying Snoezelen philosophy and the principles of proper therapeutic sessions in World Experience Rooms.

The Polish Snoezelen association is now the official partner for as ISNA-mse Poland