

International Snoezelen Association MSE



Present Board-Members:

  Maurits Eijgendaal


  Hanne Holmer

  Anthony McCrovitz


  Ana Maria Gonzales Galli

  Renata Filatova


Also present : about 20 participants from the conference




1. Opening by Maurits:


a. Welcome


b. Report and Explanation to the audience about ISNAactivities etc,


2. Webinars : We decided to offer webinars on the web.This should start in januaryand is planned to be held once a month. The webinarshall be 45 minutes and should be held on 2 different times during one day,for example onein the morningandonein theafternoon.MembersofISNAcanlogin for free and non-members will be charged about 5 Euro. The sessions will be held lve, but afterwards will be accessible for download to members.Anthony is in charge oft he technical support and everyboard-member and also other presenter is welcome to propose a webinar.Please contact Anthony for your presentation.

Thank you Anthony!


3. Education:David presents the 4possibilities of qualification and certification.


a. Various ISNA courses


b. International Qualification Snoezelen


c. Qualification to give courses according to ISNA-mse standards


d. Teaching Certification which entitles you to teach teachers on Snoezelen


Please refer to the protocol of the board-meeting on 24 oct 2016 for all the



4. Website


Please forward information on national congresses,news, articles to Maurits,he does a wonderful job on keeping the up to date. We had 300.000 hits last year !

Thank you Maurits !


5. Finances

No invoices have been sent out this year.

Hanne deals with some complications : Paypal account has been hacked and list of members is not up to date.

Invoices for this and next years will go out shortly- Hanne,Thank you, Merciand, Tak,  for all your work on the finances!


6. National Conferences


a. Spain : 11/ 12 Nov 2016 in Barcelona


b. Tchech Republic : 28/ 29 march 2017


c. Switzerland: 3&4 Nov 2017


7. International Conferences


a. Canada 2017

15 &16 June 2017 in Montreal.

We are happy to come back to Montreal after 10 years.

The conference will be in French and English. You are invited to hand in proposals for workshops.

Presenters will probably attend the conference for free.


b. Argentina2018


The School where Ana Maria (and Paola) work will exist  25 years, so time to celebrate.


c. Tchech Republic 2019, probably in Prague


d. Projects for 2020/ 2021 are Indiana (USA) and Japan


Thank you for your Presence and interest in Snoezelen! See you soon!


Ref. David Grupe